2017年12月18日 星期一

NBA@運動視界Sports Vision 砂礫中挑珍珠-Maxi Kebler的奮起 皇璽會 http://www.iwin688.com

開季以前,大多數的小牛球迷對他的印象僅停留在和球隊的神主牌Dirk同樣來自德國的Wurzburg,但如今,Maxi Kebler靠著自己的努力和表現逐漸站穩了小牛的先發。


雖然身處百廢俱興的小牛,但Maxi Kebler能夠站上先發絕非僥倖。從11月17被拔擢為先發後,小牛取得了6勝9敗的成績,對比目前的戰績8勝22敗有非常顯著的提升。此外,Kebler先發後的ORtg為128,DRtg為109,三分命中率也從18.2%提高到42.9%(先發期間每場出手1.9次,命中0.8球),場均籃板也從1.7提升至4.3。


I think it's important as a 4-guy, which is my position, to be able to switch out at 4/5 and keep guards in front of you, because that's where (the game is) going," he said. "Especially against a team like this, with a lineup where guys are pretty similar height-wise, it's important that you can switch out and keep guys in front of you."

他於12/15號對戰勇士結束後接受Bobby Karalla訪問時也提及他認為現在的四號位,尤其像是他這樣定位的球員,場上重要的任務就是能夠防守對手的延伸四號位或五號位。

"I'm trying to give my best and go out there and compete, and do the right stuff," Kleber said. "For me, that's playing my role, and that's competing on defense and taking easy stuff away so Dirk doesn't have to do it. Dirk has (responsibility on) offense, because that's where he's unguardable. So that's my job: getting back and playing defense."


Nowitzki, for his part, appreciates the challenge Kleber is facing.

"Coming over from Bayern Munich and then … every night he's guarding basically the best frontcourt player on the opposing team," Nowitzki said. "So he's got a tough task every night, but he's been up for the challenge. He's a competitor, he uses his length well, he's smart, and he uses his feet."

DIRK則是這樣評論他的同鄉小老弟每晚面對的挑戰:「每晚Kleber 都負責對手的前場最佳球員,對他來說每晚都是艱困的任務,但Kleber勇於面對挑戰,他是個競爭者,他懂得運用他的智慧、身高和腳步來達成任務。」

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持續的進步也替Kleber贏得更多上場時間,近四場平均出場時間突破30大關,打馬刺的比賽甚至10投9中拿下生涯新高的21分。Maxi Kebler用表現讓所有球迷重新認識這個同樣來自德國Wurzburg的球員。

from NBA @ 運動視界 Sports Vision http://ift.tt/2BwfS5I

