大聯盟主席 Rob Manfred 接受 ESPN 電台邀請,上節目談論邁阿密馬林魚隊近期大清倉的事件。主持人 Dan Le Batard 咄咄逼人,毫不留情地在空中質問 Manfred。
身為南佛羅里達州的馬林魚隊球迷 Le Batard,對於球團將主力球員 Dee Gordon、Giancarlo Stanton 和 Marcell Ozuna 交易出去,罔顧球迷心情的行為,感到非常憤怒。直指聯盟放任這樣不尋常的清倉行為。
「你說對於 Derek Jeter 要大清倉完全不知情,根本是說謊」,Le Batard 激動地說。
Le Batard 得到來自於馬林魚球團內部的消息,說球團總管 Bruce Sherman 與執行長 Derek Jeter 就是要在休賽季將明年整體薪資砍到只剩 8,500 萬到 9,000 萬之間。既然知道 Sherman 和 Jeter
團隊缺錢還背負債務,Le Batard 質疑聯盟為何還要同意他們標下馬林魚隊,沒有盡到監督的責任。
Le Batard 說球團內部還將此跳樓大拍賣的策略稱作「金剛狼計畫」"Project Wolverine",因為主要目的是 "slash payroll"「削減薪資」,正好 "slash" 也是「砍擊」的意思,跟金剛狼的攻擊方式相同,有雙關語的意味。
有「吸血鬼經紀人」封號的 Scott Boras 也公開嘲諷馬林魚隊把「珠寶行」"jewelry store" 當成「當鋪」"pawn shop" 在經營。
有律師背景的 Manfred 當然也不是吃素的,即便面對強烈質疑,他在訪談中仍不疾不徐地為自己辯護:
"This is really simple. We approved a very well-funded group that made numerous presentations to us about their commitment to provide winning baseball in South Florida over the long haul."
"over the long haul"「維持一段很長的時間」,表示馬林魚隊能在未來能長期保有競爭力。"haul" 原本是指「拖運」和「拖運的距離」,美國知名的搬家公司 "U-Haul" 名稱裡就用到這個字。
"No. We did not have player specific plans from the Miami Marlins or any other team during the approval ownership process. Those are decisions the individual owners make. We do not approve operating decisions by any ownership, new owner or current owners. As a result, the answer is no."
"operating"「營運上的」,"operate" 有「操作」、「運作」和「營運」的意思。名詞 "operation" 則是有「營運層面」、「日常例行事務」的意思。在球團組織裡,通常 "baseball operation officer"「棒球事務營運長」就是指球團的操盤手。"general manager" 則是「總經理」、「總管」。而 "owner" 是指「球團老闆」,只挹注資金的個人或是團體。Jeter 掛的頭銜則是 "CEO",為 "Chief Executive Officer"「首席執行長」的縮寫,基本上也是就是操盤的角色。
Manfred 試圖用近年棒球界興起的小預算球風來說服主持人:
"I know you have yourselves worked up on this topic. … [But] baseball has always been a cyclical business. The strategy the Marlins have adopted is tried and true in baseball. I'm not saying it's without pain. … But it was a process that ultimate produced a winner in terms of smaller markets' ability to win."
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